.......What is Time and                           Essence?


Time and Essence is the Experience WE create together during our studio oasis.

We will step away  from scripted templated encounters into time we create and merge into each time as that time unfolds deeply and naturally.

Time and Essence is about both people bringing their real time being-ness into the shared realm.

This is where paint by numbers rinses off the canvas and we bring richer colors to the palette we draw from.

Meet me at the top of the world, with a hug and a hello.

(and if you would like to be unmasked a quick rapid test that proceses while you settle in) 

As you kick off your shoes, we start by checking in with where each of us is truly starting physically and mentally the day we meet.  

Are we tired? Frisky? In need of connection through conversation to start our time? Does time on the table to shake the road off sound good? Are we following up on something we talked about at our last meeting? Are there certain types of touches we have been craving? Who needs to give most or first and who is starving to receive ? 

Once we know where to begin, I will set up the studio final touches while you shower off the road and slide into something comfy  that isn't your daily wear. You can mentally shift gears as the water washes off the world out there and then we meet by the fire at the massage table, or sharing a toast on the love seat, or in the red room immersed in texture, warmth and candle lite.

From this moment you cross my threshold until our time closes we will communicate real time, what feels best, in words, subtle sounds, eye contact, gentle movement and the language of touch. 


Body Positivity Goes Both Ways

In my world,  you'll be as comfortable in your skin as I am in mine

Year 54 finds me in a freeing place physically and mentally

At this stage, while I do take care of myself and enjoy looking and feeling fabulous, health concerns and the normal passing of time have created a need to enjoy being in my  body in which ever state my health and physique exist in. 

Sensory pleasure is not dependent on how you look physically.

Please be gentle with yourself not judgemental and let me help you experience yourself as a pleasure sponge. If you are having trouble finding your own attractiveness, I will help you see it. 

As I teach my coaching clients, health will come and go, fitness will come and go, shape and size will shift but you can always experience pleasure.

You will find me to be incredibly understanding and work with-able with any health conditions you may have. I enjoy finding creative ways to work with whichever state of health you are experiencing. I have a way of making it possible to talk about health concerns without taking the fun out of things.  

Bring yourself & Be yourself

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